Sunday, 8 December 2013

Possible words for a greeting for use in services on major festivals.

This is a greeting that may be used at the beginning of worship after the call to worship /  introduction to the theme of the service / etc. on any of the great Christian festivals such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or Easter Day, when the congregation is a mixture of regular worshippers, visitors from other congregations, and non-frequent worshippers. 

On such days, it is important for non-frequent worshippers to feel that they are part of the worshipping congregation.  It is also important for the regular congregation to feel that those who are not weekly worshippers are not intruders on the gathering for worship. 

Please use these (or similar words) as a way of
  • encouraging non-frequent worshippers to feel welcome within the congregation, and
  • encouraging regular worshippers to feel less resentful regarding the presence of non-frequent worshippers.

(After the call to worship, opening hymn, etc.:)

We extend a warm welcome to all who are attending this service of worship, whether you are:
·        a regular worshipper within this congregation,
·        a regular worshipper elsewhere,
·        someone who may not be a frequent worshipper anywhere, but for whom worship on this day is an important part of your life each year,
·        someone who is accompanying a family member or friend to worship, or
·        someone for whom worship in any church may be a completely new experience for you,

To everyone, it’s great that you’re here, and may this time of worship be an opportunity for renewed faith for each of us.

(The service continues as per the normal order of worship.)


  1. It's a bit long. Keep is simple and don't embarrass visitors by making them stand out. A warm welcome certainly, but not gushing. This one is okay but maybe make it shorter, then move on.

    1. I agree with not embarrassing visitors. I've been in churches where visitors were introduced by name or made to stand up for a round of applause, and such other nonsense. I never return to these churches.

      My intent was to make sure that everyone present, for whatever reason they were in church on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day/Easter Day, knew that their reason for being there was good.


Constructive comments, from a diversity of viewpoints, are always welcome. I reserve the right to choose which comments will be printed. I'm happy to post opinions differing from mine. Courtesy, an ecumenical attitude, and a willingness to give your name always help. A sense of humour is a definite "plus", as well.