Tuesday, 1 April 2014

"Pie Church": the freshest "Fresh Expression" you've ever heard of

Hello, everyone.

This blog is honoured to have the opportunity of launching "Pie Church", a new "Fresh Expression" of worship. 

According to a spokesperson for the Missional Consultation of Churches Advocating Fresh Expressions (MCCAFE):

"Pie Church is the freshest Fresh Expression possible.
It makes CafĂ© Church look like a Latin Mass.
It makes Messy Church look like Choral Evensong."


"What is Pie Church?"  We hear you ask.

Pie Church begins like a normal church service, perhaps even a parody of a traditional church service.  At some point in the proceedings, the worship leader reverently intones the sacred and holy "M-word":  missional.

Someone in the congregation stands up and calls out:  "MissionalMissional?  Do you want to see something missionalThis is missional!" and throws a custard pie in the face of the worship leader.

The worship leader takes a pie from behind the lectern, and similarly smooshes the pie in the face of the person who threw the pie at him.

A supply of pies is brought out so that members of the congregation can throw pies at each other.

After a few minutes, the worship leader stands behind the lectern and declares "Now that was missional!"  The service then continues as if nothing has happened.

MCCAFE has high hopes that Pie Church will be the newest wave of "Fresh Expressions" to transform the life of congregations around the world.

"But what's the point?":  you may ask.  If you ask this question, though, you don't really get it.  Pie Church is a "Fresh Expression".  It doesn't need to have a point.

If you want to learn more about Pie Church, or if you wish to make any comment about the possibilities for Pie Church in your own ministry context, please make a comment on this blog (and please share this post with a friend or colleague).


Constructive comments, from a diversity of viewpoints, are always welcome. I reserve the right to choose which comments will be printed. I'm happy to post opinions differing from mine. Courtesy, an ecumenical attitude, and a willingness to give your name always help. A sense of humour is a definite "plus", as well.